Found in 39 Collections and/or Records:
"A Card to the People of Rockbridge County," broadside
Candidate James B. Dorman appeals to Rockbridge County's voters for support as candidate for the Virginia Commonwealth's Attorney General . He outlines his platform and explains his voting record on key issues during his previous political appointments.
Alamby Miller Scrapbook
This file consists of a scrapbook of works written by Washington College student Alamby Miller between 1864-1868. Included are Virginia university magazines, clippings from the Southern Collegian, and original poetry. There is also a scrapbook titled Alamby Millington Miller by Professor James W. Massie dated 1870. This scrapbook is a typed biography including a letter from Alamby to his sister.
Andrew Hollinger Papers
The collection consists of eight bound diaries written by Andrew Hollinger and addressed to "The Team;" one binder of typed original poetry; and eight folders containing correspondences, materials related to Washington and Lee University, the ROTC Program, and Psi Upsilon fraternity, and a number of Hollinger's financial papers.
Andrew Kerr Account Book
This collection consists of Andrew Kerr's account book which records goods purchased and an employment record. Included on the last pages of the book is poetry.
Ashley Brown Christmas Poem
Christmas card sent to the Cyrus Hall McCormick Library containing original poem by Washington and Lee University student Ashley Brown printed in Lexington Virginia by C. Harold Lauck. It is number 29 of 50. It is a signed copy.
C. F. Weldon poetry notebook
This notebook contains various poems believed to have been written by C. F. Weldon. They cover various topics including his daughter's wedding and the death of a close friend.
Clinton Scollard Poem
This collection consists of a poem by Clinton Scollard entitled 'Happiness.' There is both a signed handwritten and typed copy. The poem reads, 'The luring and elusive form we chase/ Down Life's long vista till our parting breath;/ Who knows but that we first behold her face/ The hour we look on Death!'
Dabney Stuart Papers
This collection includes drafts, manuscripts, and corrected typescripts of published and several unpublished novels, short story collections, volumes of poetry, his lectures, and a list of all of Stuart's publications from 1959-2009.
Davidson Family Papers
Dr. Sidney Isenberg Collection on Carson McCullers
This collection includes 67 items collected by Dr. Sidney Isenberg, a member of the Class of 1942, Washington and Lee University, from his friendship with Carson McCullers, including letters to him from McCullers, from other people about her, an inscribed poem, and memorabilia.
E. W Randall Notebook
This collection consists of an autographed notebook by E. W. Randall containing an essay on friendship and poems.
Edward Ferguson Devol Papers
These papers include an account of his student life at Washington and Lee University from 1940-1943, which mentions faculty members Fitzgerald Flournoy and Lawrence E. Watkin. There are also letters to his parents, documents, poetry and essays about his service in World War II, primarily in the European theater.
Ellinor Porcher Gadsden Papers
Isaac Newton Campbell Notebook
Isaac Newton Campbell kept this notebook while a student at Washington and Lee University and at Campbell's Divinity School. It consists primarily of his notes on Greek grammar from Professor James Jones White's class at Washington and Lee and notes on biblical history from T.E. Peck's classes at divinity school. Includes a poem about Professor White.
James D. Davidson Poetry Broadside
This broadside is an emotional expression written by James Davidson in 1829 and 1830 while an 'Old Field School Master' in Botetourt County. It was later published in the Virginia Gazette.
James D. Davidson Scrapbooks
This collection contains newspaper clippings of Dorman's poems, letters, and essays on various subjects published in the Lexington Gazette and other papers.
James Lane Allen Poem
A printed copy of a poem entitled 'The Two Psyches. A November Garden' by James Lane Allen with a written inscription 'For Mr. Virgil McClure from James Lane Allen, Lexington, 20 May, 1892.'
MacMillan Albums
Margaret Junkin Preston Papers
Mary MacMillan's commonplace book, 1849 - 1851
This scrapbook contains poetry and art created and compiled by Mary MacMillan. The poetry was written by Mary and others. The most common theme throughout the poetry is grieving or mourning death. The scrapbook has pencil sketches, watercolors, and cartoons from others and some calligraphy by Mary. Other contents include a few pieces of pressed and dried seaweed or marine algae and a miniature piece of sheet music with hand drawn musical notes.
Miscellaneous Items, 1917, undated; 1917-1940?
This folder contains various unrelated items such as knit and silk cloths, clippings of poetry, newspaper clippings, and notebooks bound in metal.
Nathaniel Huntoon Account Book
The account and barter book contains handwriting samples and aphorisms. Account notations are in British currency. Rum and molasses are the predominant products listed. It also includes a poem on the American Revolutionary War effort of New Hampshire's soldiers by William Proctor. The poem includes a mention of General George Washington.
Poems by Eliza Walker
This file consists of poems written by Eliza Walker. Many of them are satirical and written in dialect.